Creating Sustained Success
We understand disruption and change, and how to become adaptable in today’s environment.
Holos can assess and upgrade your organisational capability for change at whole business, divisional, team, and individual levels.
The Holos approach takes account of multiple stages, cultures and responses to change within a single organisation.
Upgrading Leadership
70% of performance is driven by culture. 70% of culture is driven by leadership. If a threat is the change you are not leading, it follows that for many organisations to upgrade leadership, improve culture, and become more skilled at change are the tasks of now.
Our innovative Holos Leadership Assessment pinpoints how your leaders think and act, identifying the likely culture they create.
Our leadership programmes develop individual appetite for authentic leadership, curating the right performance culture to achieve your vision.
Holos is a leadership, culture and change consultancy. We make change easy.
Holos exists to help organisations create outstanding leadership, effective culture and high levels of change adaptability. To create positive spirals of performance and sustained success, no matter what the future brings.
With 160 senior consultants around the world, we are experienced, global and effective.
What We Offer
Assess change capability by department.
Plan change strategies to achieve sustained success.
Understand the way your leaders think and act.
Chose and develop leaders aligned to vision.
Bespoke design and delivery of learning and development.
Develop leadership bandwidth and competitive edge.
Deeply know execution gaps and cultural risks.
Ensure compliance and conformance.
Diagnose team performance through change.
Benchmark “great” and spread it through the organisation.
What does it do?
What does it enable me to do?
Analyse your readiness to decarbonise.
Plan change strategies to decarbonise your value chain.
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